
Jess Just Reads
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Long Description

Jess Just Reads is a book review blog for all literary genres, from young adult to the classics.

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Long Description

Love reading and wanted to start writing about it

Knowledge Lost
Blog Name
Long Description

The title Knowledge Lost was adapted from the title Paradise Lost by John Milton. I decided on this title to symbolise the fact that there is so much to learn and so much knowledge out there that previously was lost to me. As I discover and learn new things, I realise there are so much more to learn so this blog keeps growing and growing. A few years ago I started Literary Exploration as a dedicated book blog, I did this because my passion was always book blogging and I felt it would be a good idea to have this blog separate to the rest of my blogging.

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Two Nerds With Words
Long Description

Bex and Justine have found the perfect platform for sharing their nerdy thoughts, the pleasure they have in reading, while trying to spread the word of some pretty amazing—for traditionally published, self-published, and unpublished authors out there to the rest of the world.

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